Upcoming Events
SSSJ Community Events
Movie Nights
Join us for seasonal family movie nights where we discuss the theology of family favorites like “The Grinch that Stole Christmas” and “The Chronicles of Narnia.” See our calendar or newsletter for more details.
Crafting for A Cause
Meets Thursday mornings in Aug. Sept. and Oct. to prepare for our seasonal craft fair. No experience necessary.
GEMS (Great Episcopal Movers and Shakers)
Bring a dish to share and join us for fun and fellowship every third Friday of the Month from 6pm-8pm.
Adult Formation
Tuesday morning book study at 10am, Education for Ministry, Immediately following the 10am service and much more! See our newsletter and calendar for details.
Our Choir, Band, Small Group ensembles, and bell choir are all great places to get involved in the community at SSSJ. Email [email protected] for more information.
Daughters of the King
Members of The Order of the Daughters of the King® are women and girls between the ages of seven and one hundred and seven who desire a closer walk with the Lord. We are Christian women, both lay and ordained, who are strengthened through the discipline of a Rule of Life, and supported through the companionship of our sisters.

Men’s Ministry meets monthly on Thursday evenings to join in fellowship, study, and community service. Contact Marty Yates for more information.
Grief Share
On Thursday’s beginning Feb. 18th from 4-6pm The Episcopal Church of St. Simon and St. Jude for more information contact [email protected]