The mission of St. Simon & St. Jude is to welcome, to rejoice and to be Jesus in the world.  Nothing is more important to “being Jesus in the world” than serving those in need.  SSSJ is privileged to support several outreach ministries within both our immediate and global communities, as well as offering our facilities to service groups in need of a safe place to gather including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Domestic Abuse Counseling, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Venture.

boy scouts

The Episcopal Church of St. Simon and St. Jude sponsors troop BSA troop 312, one of the largest and most active groups in our community. Find out more at


Alcoholics Anonymous meets at SSSJ in the Ruth Field Building on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 12-1pm. Find out more at

columbia resilience healing clinic

Experience healing arts of meditation, touch, and community. The Second Saturday of every month.  Learn more by contacting
Pamela Lorentz at [email protected]

tuesdays at 10

Grown up and child music, scripture, and prayer. Email Rev. Jill at [email protected] for information on our next session.