Rev Jill Williams
Rev. Jill Williams is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary. Originally from Western Massachusetts she began her ministry there as the Associate at a Large Suburban Parish and worked for the Diocese of Western Massachusetts as the Christian Formation Missioner. Jill moved to the South in 2012 and has never looked back. She loves South Carolina and has had the opportunity to work at amazing schools like Porter-Gaud Episcopal School and Heathwood Hall School. She is passionate about teaching people scripture and how it applies to their lives. In her spare time, Jill loves spending time with her family. Andrew, her husband, and two children (Jude and Josh) have ridden almost every roller coaster on the East Coast! She also enjoys hiking and theater.
To contact Jill, please email her at [email protected]
Office: (803) 732-0153
Mobile: (413) 531-3263
The Rev. Jim Neuburger
assisting priest, retired
Fr. Jim was raised in the upper Midwest, and since his father worked for GM he in Missouri, Kansas, Indiana and Michigan, where he attended eight schools in twelve grades. While he was at the University of Notre Dame he met Carol. “Greatly smitten by her beauty”, he pursued her through their undergraduate years, marrying shortly after graduation.
Prior to his ordination Fr. Jim worked with State Farm Insurance Company and Policy Management Systems Corporation in Columbia, serving in various positions in marketing, customer service, and sales. Fr. Jim and Carol are blessed to have their three children and two grandchildren live nearby,
How did Fr. Jim end up in the priesthood? He explains, “You can run, but you can’t hide from God. For over thirty years I had been running from committing my life to Him. Finally, twelve years ago, God, in His loving pursuit, ran me to ground. It is only through the miracle of hindsight that we can see how God works out His purpose for our lives. Our responsibility is to trust in His goodness and keep putting one foot in front of the other, even though we don’t fully know where we are going to end up.”
“God’s love has brought us to His community at St. Simon & St. Jude, and we are the more blessed for it. We look forward to our journey together as we travel deeper into the heart of God.”
To contact Fr Jim, please email him at [email protected]
Craig Coelho
Director of music ministries
Craig Coelho is the Choral Director at Gilbert High School and Director of Music Ministries at The Episcopal Church of St. Simon & St. Jude. He has over two decades of experience directing choirs and crafting worship within music ministry. Craig received both his Bachelor of Music with emphasis in Music Education and Master of Music in Choral Conducting Degrees from the University of South Carolina. Craig is currently the President of South Carolina ACDA, serves on the SC All-State Chorus Committee, and the Vocal Director for TriDAC Summer Intensive. Groups under Coelho’s direction consistently participate in the SC All-State Chorus, ACDA Honor Choirs, and receive superior ratings at state events.
To contact Craig, please email him at [email protected]
Kaleb Hilton
Kaleb Z. Hilton is the Director of Choral Activities at Blythewood High School, where he conducts five ensembles- Chorale, acaBengals, Treble Singers, Men’s Chorus, and Bella Voce. Additionally, Kaleb serves as the Assistant Vocal Director at the Tri-DAC Summer Arts Consortium. Kaleb also is the Artistic Director of the Dutch Fork Choral Society in Chapin, SC. In addition to teaching, Kaleb is an active collaborative pianist and has accompanied choirs at the University of Kentucky, National American Choral Directors Association, Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts, the Kentucky Music Educators Association All-State Honor Choirs, and a variety of regional Honor Choirs and schools. Aside from Kaleb’s duties as a choir director and pianist, he is the organist at St. Simon & St. Jude Episcopal Church in Irmo, SC. A native of Henderson, KY, Kaleb received his Bachelor’s Degree in Vocal and Instrumental Education from the University of Kentucky in the Fall of 2021.
To contact Kaleb, please email him at [email protected]

In the Episcopal Church the vestry serves as a board of directors. Members in good standing are elected by the congregation to serve as liaisons to important ministries throughout the church as well as guide the mission and vision of SSSJ. If you’d like to learn more about this ministry or talk to members of the vestry please contact the church office.